Victoria, British Columbia, Phone: 250-744-1731

Posts Tagged ‘relationship’

Posted in Blog on March 23, 2011

Is there an INTJ in your life?

By Donna Dunning INTJ motto: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” In one of my workshops, an individual with INTJ preferences was discussing his interest in movies. He described how he enjoyed reading reviews and going to the theatre to see new releases. In the theatre he o ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on March 16, 2011

Is there an ESTP in your life?

By Donna Dunning ESTP motto: “It’s easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission.” For my book, “What’s Your Type of Career?”, I interviewed a production engineer who had preferences for ESTP. Although he enjoyed the logical, analytical work involved in his engineerin ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on March 9, 2011

Is there an ISFJ in your life?

By Donna Dunning ISFJ motto: “Don’t rock the boat.” As a career counselor in private practice, I often looked for government programs to help my clients. For several years I was fortunate to be able to consult with an ISFJ employment counselor in a government agency that of ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on March 2, 2011

Is there an ESTJ in your life?

By Donna Dunning ESTJ motto: “Let’s get to work.” In one of my MBTI ® certifying workshops, a participant with ESTJ preferences was excited to share one of her work accomplishments. After only a few months as the new manager of a department she had streamlined the work pro ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on February 23, 2011

Is there an INTP in your life?

By Donna Dunning INTP motto: “Get the picture?” You may misjudge people who have a preference for introversion. The INTP in your life is no exception. Previously I discussed how the INFP in your life might become adamant about a topic when you violate a core value. Here’s ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on February 16, 2011

Is there an ESFJ in your life?

By Donna Dunning ESFJ motto: “Many hands make light work.” The ESFJ in your life is likely very busy. They may belong to the Parent Teachers Association, be driving kids to activities, or coordinating a special interest group. You often find people with ESFJ preferences organ ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on February 9, 2011

Is there an INFP in your life?

By Donna Dunning INFP motto: “I’ve got a good feeling about this.” People in your life with INFP preferences may surprise you. You may become accustomed to their calm, flexible, accommodating manner only to find that, once in a while, they become quite adamant and inflexibl ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on February 2, 2011

Is there an ENTP in your life?

By Donna Dunning ENTP motto: “The possibilities are endless.” That person in your life with ENTP preferences may be an enigma. One minute they can argue, quite convincingly, for one side of an issue. The next minute they can, just as articulately and convincingly, make a case ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on January 26, 2011

Is there an INFJ in your life?

By Donna Dunning INFJ motto: “There’s more to it than meets the eye.” I discovered an interesting theme when teaching MBTI® certifying workshops. A couple of participants, who had INFJ preferences, commented to me that they loved retreats where they could get away for ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on January 19, 2011

Is there an ESFP in your life?

By Donna Dunning ESFP motto: “Consider it done.” I must confess, I have a bit of “type envy” when it comes to ESFPs. Their active, fun-loving approach is very appealing and inspirational to me. Unfortunately, it takes effort for me (ENFP) to stay in, and enjoy, the here-a ... Continue Reading