Victoria, British Columbia, Phone: 250-744-1731

Posts Tagged ‘relationship’

Posted in Blog on February 17, 2012

What does support look like?

By Donna Dunning Personality Type and Interactions In an interesting discussion during a change workshop, one participant, who had ISTJ preferences, commented that she wanted more support during the change process. An eager-to-help INFP asked how she could provide support. “Do ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on February 10, 2012

Where to go for lunch

By Donna Dunning Personality Type and Interactions Generally, people who prefer Perceiving like to gather more information and keep their options open and people who prefer Judging want to decide and act. These preferences can create some interesting lunchtime dialogue. J: “Le ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on February 3, 2012

Thinking and Feeling

By Donna Dunning Personality Type and Interactions What do you think (or how do you feel) about these quotes? Logic is the anatomy of thought. – Albert Einstein Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery As I study and teach personality type concepts I n ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on January 27, 2012

Work and Play

By Donna Dunning Personality Type and Interactions There is work that is work and there is play that is play; there is play that is work and work that is play. And in only one of these lies happiness. – Gelett Burgess What does this quote mean to you? As I study and teach ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on January 20, 2012

The Right One for You

By Donna Dunning Can personality type help you find an ideal partner? Lately I am seeing many discussions on the importance of finding the “right type” to love and marry. The idea behind these “ideal” matches is that people with certain personality type preferences are n ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on April 27, 2011

Is there an ENTJ in your life?

By Donna Dunning ENTJ motto: “Let’s make it happen.” There are a few ENTJs in my life who I know quite well. In a previous blog, Connecting Personality Type to Communication, I share a story about playing tile rummy with people who prefer ENTJ. My husband and I are friends ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on April 21, 2011

Is there an ISTP in your life?

By Donna Dunning ISTP motto: “Get to the point.” People with preferences for ISTP are relatively rare in the general population (5.4% of the US representative sample collected by CPP Inc.) and even rarer in MBTI ® Certifying workshops. In over twelve years of running these w ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on April 13, 2011

Is there an ENFJ in your life?

By Donna Dunning ENFJ motto: “Two heads are better than one.” In my MBTI ® certifying workshops the discussion, in class and on breaks, sometimes turns to what people’s offices look like. I have heard several people who have ENFJ preferences describe their offices as the ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on April 6, 2011

Is there an ISFP in your life?

By Donna Dunning ISFP motto: “Always glad to help.” An individual with ISFP preferences worked as an administrative assistant for a team whose members had mostly ESTJ or ENTJ preferences. During a team building workshop there was much discussion about how efficient the group ... Continue Reading

Posted in Blog on March 30, 2011

Is there an ENFP in your life?

By Donna Dunning ENFP motto: “Follow your dreams.” My daughter Kelly has preferences for ENFP. She has completed a degree in Fine Arts, worked as a lifeguard in a busy water park, harvested thousands of blooms on a flower farm, sold organic food products in a market, delivere ... Continue Reading